I was really looking forward to coming home but there are several things that are happening at home which make me feel like I'm not at home and therefore I just don't feel happy there, which makes me feek bad because I should feel happy to be home. So I'd been mulling this over a little bit and had a pour out to mum, shed a tear or two (or a few lets say) and came back to Nottingham for a few days just to sort a couple of things out here and whilst not doing a lot on Facebook, I came across this video.
And I just thought to myself, you know what? This guy is pretty awesome. On the face of it, you'd think he'd be one that'd cry himself to sleep every night and ask the question, "why me?' But he doesn't. He is grateful for what he DOES have. There is no point of wishes whether we had something that we know can't have, because wishing will never change the circumstances, but concentrating on what we do have is what is important. God knows what are needs are and what we need and he gives enough and above but as humans, we are always looking for more, and maybe we shouldn't.
So I haven't got the "dream" circumstances at home and it isn't always great, but who has?
Nick is a true inspiration to all who seee him